Fratelli Radice
Fratelli Radice SrlVia Sprelunga, 4 – 20822 Seveso (MB)
Tiziano Radice
0362-546047 - 3278275085
Fratelli Radice history is a family story which starts in the beginning of last century. It is 1920 when the founder, Adolfo Radice, already descendent from an ebanist family, decides to open his own little shop below his house, in Seveso, between Milan and Como. More than an artisan Adolfo is a real sculptor: his hands shape the wood transforming it in precious and exclusive furnishings objects. Work and art are two inseparable faces of the same medal, passion and devotion the necessary means for men’s fulfilment. These are the values, together with the innate taste for beauty and harmony, that Adolfo passes to his sons, Gianfranco and Carlo, who take over the father in the sixties, laying the foundations of the current firm.Dining Rooms, Sitting Rooms, Bedrooms, Studios, Kitchens, Bath-Rooms, Occasionals, Doors & Boiseries.